New WANRS Website in Progress

We’re in the process of migrating all the information from the original website to a new website.   Tom K3WS put a huge amount of information on the site, and it’s proving to be quite a project to move it all!  While we move the data, we are also...


PASS THIS ON TO A FRIEND OR RELATIVE Mondays February 10-March 31 6:30-8:30 p.m. $59 (includes book) Amateur Radio (HAM Radio) is a popular hobby and service in which licensed Amateur Radio operators (hams) operate communications equipment. Although Amateur Radio...

147.060 Frederick back on the air

Frederick K3MAD 147.060 + PL 146.2 (this is a new PL) Is back on the air.  Thanks to Scott, N3XCC Please try it out and give us some signal reports. Please Notice the new PL of 146.2

Special thanks to Scott from Tom

Thank you to Scott N3XCC from Tom K3WS and the Repeater Builder RB-USB RIM Module along with the new Repeater Scott N3XCC and Kevin WJ8G hauled back from Dayton the College Park, MD 442.900 pl 167.9 is back on air and running well.  Connected to WAN-RS node 27699 the...